Hatred against Asian Kenyans: Kenyan Indian businessmen millionaires and billionaires viciously targeted as corrupt cartels.

Channel 24x7
2 min readAug 6, 2021

A recent statement on June 16th in ill-reputed biased news website; Nairobi Exposed mentioned Narendra Raval, chairman of Devki Group having cooked his own goose in his bid to revive Mumias Sugar Company. It states — Devki Group’s Love for Shortcuts Ends in Turmoil in Mumias Deal. Raval has clearly stated that he was on the path to revive the

Mumias Sugar Company. And, it seems very much so that ‘Nairobi Exposed’ has found this as opportunity to yet again harass an individual that has contributed heaps and bounds to the Kenyan economic development. For Mr Raval, it is also such that the sugar lords wished to oust him out and who better to get the work done- none other than Nairobi Exposed; which readily publishes news without any research and viciously looks to be paid handsomely.

It is up to Kenyans to see the reality of how the country has progressed, and how without such key contributors; this nation would still be struggling on all aspects.

Raval has been known to have openly made the commitment of giving away all his wealth if need be to protect Kenya and its people.

Have we once heard of anyone else making such a statement? How foolish would it be to target such people and axe our own feet.

Expose fake media. Nairobi exposed is just a mouthpiece of some- literally some.

#narendraraval #devkigroup #mumiasugarscam #fakemediaexposed #kenyanasians #jayeshsaini #rai #vimalshah #jaffarmohammad #jayeshsaininairobi #mohangalot #pravingalot #oliversoto #jayeshsainikenya #jimmywanjigi

